Friday, March 11, 2011

My Informative Speech!!

Here you go Katrina.  Hope you enjoy reading it!  To the rest of the world, this is a copy of my Famous Dog Speech that I had to give in my speech class this past week.  Hint:  It really helps to hold on to old English essays, as they lend themselves so well for a speech...

Choosing a Dog
            Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the United States.  According to a 2009-2010 survey by the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association “there are approximately 77.5 million owned dogs in the United States, with 39% of US households owning at least one dog.”  Dogs have a reputation of being man’s (or woman’s) best friend.  Many people aspire to become dog owners for that reason alone.  But before running down to the local animal shelter or pet store, potential doggie parents need to decide what kind of dog they want.  Most of the time this decision is based upon breed, size, temperament, grooming needs, or slobber quantity.  While these are things that need to be taken into consideration, they are not the most important factors in choosing a dog.  The decision of which dog to bring home should be based on what an individual owner needs or wants a dog to be:  Perfect Spouse, Personal Trainer, or Private Security.
            First up is the Perfect Spouse, also known as a companion dog.  These are typically the smaller breeds or couch potato dogs, such as Yorkies, Peinkanies, and smaller Bulldogs.  It need not matter whether its owner is a man or woman; it will fulfill the basic desires and expectations of an ideal mate.  From a woman’s point of view, a dog often makes a much better husband than a man ever would.  Her dog is always attentive to how her day went.  Hubby, as she has named her Yorkie, listens with rapt attention as she describes the trials and victories of work.  He does not complain when dinner is late or maybe a little too overdone.  He understands that she is mentally and physically exhausted and needs a quiet night of watching her favorite chick-flick movies.  He shows his support of her decision with a wag of his tail as he hops up next to her and settles in for “Pride and Prejudice” with Keiera  Knightly.  A dog could also be a better wife for a man than a woman could ever hope to become.  He knows that his bulldog, Lady, will not berate him for coming home late.  There will be no questions of where he has been or why he didn’t bother to call.  Lady is always pleased to be seen with him no matter what he is wearing.  She is incapable of nagging about chores and loves to watch football and old John Wayne war movies.  Her favorite place in the world is snuggled close to him as World War II era aircraft battle the skies for control of France.  Hubby and Lady really are the Perfect Spouses.
            Second, after the Perfect Spouse, is the Personal Trainer.  Gym membership fees are costly, and to hire a human personal trainer is a monthly expense that is getting harder to afford.  An active breed makes the best Personal Trainer.  Dogs that were originally bread for farm life, such as Boxers, Shelties, and Border Collies fall into this category.  Why go to the trainer when he/she is already at home?  Zack, the Australian Sheppard, keeps his owners on a strict, active schedule.  He pulls them out of bed at first light with his intense stare and a few short yaps, and it is go, go, go from there.  First, he shows them how to stretch, preparing all the muscles for what is to come.  Next, he starts his trainees off with a brisk walk to get their blood pumping and legs moving.  If they do not move fast enough, he may possibly slow down some to encourage them.  Then, Trainer Zack pushes for the run.  There are no excuses, no shortcuts, and most definitely no whining allowed in this workout program.  Zack is an expert in uphill jogging and long distance running.  His main goal is to prepare his owners for the next Boston Marathon.  After an hour of intense workout, Zack finally relents to take a break and leads his owners back home.  But the rest is short-lived, for in a couple of hours he will start the workout all over again.  There will be no couch potatoes in Zack’s house.  He will not accept a half-hearted workout, no matter the circumstances.  Running in the pouring rain builds endurance, and the thunder overhead just gives his owners more of an incentive to run faster.  Why go to the sports center and pay to be yelled at by a semi-complete stranger when a Personal Trainer dog is perfectly happy to be paid in kibble and head-rubs?
            Lastly, there are the dogs of Private Security.  German Sheppards, Rottweilers, Dobermans, and most other larger and imposing looking breeds are the bodyguards in this field.  Home security systems offer burglar protection while the homeowner is away, but any good action movie shows how a respectable criminal can bypass the system.  Employ and train the right watchdog, and there will be no way to circumvent this security.  The massive eyes would be enough to scare wannabe burglars away.  The deep, loud barks of bravery are definitely going to make the intruder pass on to the next house on the street.  A homeowner is never going to have to worry about a power outage causing a short and disabling the system.  He will never wake up in the middle of the night wondering if he remembered to turn it back on after coming home from work.  Private Security dogs can also be good walking companions.  Sally Singlewoman will have no fear of an attack while on an evening walk with Bruno the Rottie by her side.  His large head and alert ears are always scanning the terrain, looking for possible danger.  He is ever vigilant at her side, and will warn any unknowns approaching his position to keep their distance.  A criminal lurking in the park and watching for potential victims will quake in fear at the sight of Bruno.  His monthly salary is a couple of doggie treats and a dish of kibble twice a day.  Compare that to the monthly bill for a human bodyguard and one will find the Private Security dog is the way to go.
            In closing, choosing a dog is as much about the owner’s lifestyle and needs as it is about the type of dog, and it requires some personal reflection and research. Animal Planet.Com has a dog breed selector questionnaire that will aid any unsure potential owner in deciding what they need.  A marathon runner would not be happy with a Peinkanese or Pit bull.  A jumpy woman living alone would not feel as safe and secure with a Shitzu or Sheltie.  While a Bull Mastiff might be a passable companion dog, he would definitely take up too much of the couch on a bad-day movie night.  Dogs come in many different shapes and sizes, but it is important for the owner to remember that they all fall into one of three categories.  Dogs can be the Perfect Spouse, a Personal Trainer, or Private Security.  The happiness of both the owner and the dog depends on knowing what is needed and who the best candidate to fill that need is.

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