Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Realy Don't Hate Christmas

I tend to turn into a bit (OK, a lot) like the Grinch at Christmastime.  It isn't the actual holiday itself, but all the madness that comes along with the celebration.  There are all the reletives to visit, the various parties I must attend, and not to be forgotten (like I did last year) all the cards to mail to all the people I have any forms of contact with...  The weeks leading up to Christmas day are filled with hective rushing, and don't even get me started on the crowds at the stores.  There just doesn't seem to be enough time.  Throw Finals in the mix and it is a wonder I haven't had a serious melt-down yet.

But I really don't hate Christmas.  In fact, there are a lot of things I enjoy about Christmas.  To keep myself in "the holiday spirit", I decided to make a list of the top five things I love about Christmas.

5Christmas Movies  OK, I'll admit it.  I do enjoy watching those silly, sappy made-for-TV Christmas movies they play on ABC Family and the Hallmark Channel.  They make me smile.  Great flicks like Snow and Snow 2:  Brain Freeze, about Santa Claus, aka Nick Snowden on ABC Family, and a new one I saw last week called Battle of the Bulbs about two arch rivals who happen to be neighbors trying to out-decorate each other in the town's Christmas decorating contest.  There was also another one with a character called Ms Miracle, but I can't remember the titles of them or where I saw them.  And lets not forget the clasics like How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Charlie Brown Christmas, and all those old claymation ones.

4.  Commercials  Now I'm not thinking of those stupid fragrance or car commercials.  Those annoy me to no end.  No, I'm talking about the cute ones that make you laugh.  My absolute favorite has been playing for over twenty years.  I am satisfied to see that no one has had the audacity to "update" it. 

3.  Holiday Merchandise  This is the only time of the year I can purchase Twisted Peppermint at Bath and Body Works.  I absolutely love the stuff!  And lets talk for a few minutes about all the goodies at Victoria's Secret:  I am currently wiggling my toes in the absolute most wonderful house socks with softy-softness fluff inside and cotton with sticky dots on the outside to keep me from sliding in the kitchen.  All the stores come out with the coolest stuff!

2.  Snow  Not everyone will agree with me on this, but I don't care.  I do not live up north or out west.  Seeing snow really is a miracle around here.  It has been decades since this area had a white Christmas.  There is something so magical about snow.  I can sit and watch it gently float down from the heavens for hours.  The blanket covering my lawn after the snowfall is oh so pretty.  Snowmen give me the giggles, especially when they are all dressed up in hats and scarves.

1.  Jesus' Birthday  One of the traditions at my house is that we make a birthday cake for Jesus on His birthday.  Everyone celebrates the birth of Christ, whether they realize it or not.  All the traditions we observe remind us of His birth:  The gifts we give each other in rememberence of the Gift God gave us, the evergreen tree to represent everlasting life through Christ, the lights on the tree to symbolize how Jesus is the Light of the World.  And of course, the nativity scenes set up all over.  The stores might now be allowed to wish me a "Merry Christmas", but they can sell me a Nativity Scene.

Whenever I feel the stress of the season comming up on me, I think back on my list.  I remind myself that Christmas is a good thing, not a breakdown waiting to happen.  There are other things I could talk about, but my frappuccino is starting to melt, and I am sure by now your eyes are getting tired.  Plus, I have to go get ready for one more Christmas party...

1 comment:

  1. Nice job embedding the video. ;) So hoping for a white Christmas!
