Sunday, May 8, 2011

Zombies of the Bible

No, there is nothing wrong with your eyes; it really does say ZOMBIES.  Now before you get all upset and start to call me some not nice names, finish reading the rest of the post, please.  I think you will enjoy it as much as my Sunday School class did.

I am not a fan of the horror genre-I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is, I do not need anything else keeping me up at night.  I do know just a little bit about zombies, thanks to the first half of Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies.  Zombies are defined and depicted as the dead walking, the undead, the living dead (anyone else notice all the definitions include the word dead?).  We see them stumbling around in search of a nice meal consisting of human flesh or brains.  Do we see them having any thoughts and feelings?  Nope, just hungry...

Now, what does all this have to do with the Bible?  I am so glad you stayed with me this far and want to know.  Look up Ephesians 2:1-5 and Colossians 2:13.  What do these verses say about us before we came to know Christ?  We were dead.  "And when you were dead in trespasses and sins"(boldness added by me).  Is he, Paul, talking about a spiritual death or a physical one?  Seeing as how you are reading this, he's speaking of a spiritual death.  I mean, you are alive, right:  your brain is waving and your respiration system is working all by itself?  According to Ephesians 2:1-5 and Galatians 5:19-21, what does a Biblical zombie look like?  Both speak of living out the lusts of our flesh and desires of the flesh and mind (just to name a few:  immorality, impurity, idolatry, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, dissensions, envying).  Just as a fictional, physical zombie is controlled by the fleshly desire to nom brains, the Biblical, spiritual zombie is controlled by the fleshly desires and lust of it's body and mind.  Let's look at them together.

 Fictional Zombies
-physically Dead
-controlled by hunger (brains)
-unable to resist hunger
-No cure, No hope

Biblical Zombies
-spirtually Dead
-controlled by lusts of flesh and desires of the mind
-unable to resist lusts/desires
-Cure:  Jesus

What does Jesus Himself say is our cure in John 5:24-25?  "...anyone who hears My word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to LIFE."(again, the bolding and caps are added by me).

I used to be a zombie, stumbling around aimlessly trying to satisfy my unending hunger.  If you weren't looking closely, you wouldn't have known.  I mean, I'm wasn't walking around with my arms pulled in like a praying mantis, bent slightly to one side with clouded-over eyes in a decomposing body and moaning (I am not counting in the morning before I have had my second cup of coffee).  I looked normal on the outside, but the inside was dead.  But God loved me so much that He had mercy on me and made a way for me to be cured.  I am a zombie no longer; I am alive!

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