Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Winter Wonderland!

You need to understand:  I have spent my entire life living in areas where snowfall is rare, almost unheard of.  I would see it on the news, in old Christmas movies, and in other people's vacation photos.  Occasionally I would be lucky enough to see some sporadic flakes descending from above, but those moments were always few and very far between.  So when Mr Weather dares hint about possible snow, I get so excited.

For the last few years I have been living right on the east coast.  Hurricanes we get, snow we don't.  But this winter has been an exception.  I got to see an almost White Christmas, and that was amazing. I tend to think of it as a belayed Christmas gift from God.  A few weeks later, on the first day of classes, I woke up to a surprise snow that shut down the school system (God's surprise present to me).  Both of these occurances of winter weather left less than 3 inches of snow, but that didn't matter to me.  I saw snow!

I thought all this was amazing and wonderful, but it was nothing compared to what visited the coast this past weekend!  I was cautiously informed by Mr Weather that there was a small possibility of a "dusting" to occur late Saturday afternoon.  Imagine my surprise and joy when, at 10am Saturday morning, tiny white flakes began floating down from the sky.  How pretty they were!  I sat by the window and enjoyed them while I could, because I was told they wouldn't be dancing for me for long. 

Not only did they keep falling, they came down heavier and faster.  The lithe dancers turned into hardy runners and raced each other to the ground.  Within hours I huddled under my electric blanket as I drank in the sight of a complete white-out beyond my dining room windows.  Poor Mr Weather was so confused.  By the end of the day it had finally stopped falling.  What was predicted to be a light dusting had left over 6 inches on my porch!

Now I know some of you do not like the snow, but I love it!  I love the look of a brand new white blanket covering my muddy, rutted yard and stately Snowmen guarding my driveway.  The smell of the snow, crisp and fresh and clean, enraptures my senses.  The sound of snow, however, is my favorite thing.  Snow is quiet, muffling out the chaotic sounds of the world and leaving a calming peacefulness in its wake.  For a few moments I forget about the worries of life.  Everything is new.  Everything is clean.  Everything is quiet.  Everything is perfect.

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