Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stress Relievers

I am on the verge of a meltdown.  I'm not talking about a little hissy fit, pitty party, or diva tantrum; a full-blown, nothing-is-working-at-all-and-i-might-need-medication meltdown complete with the mild to moderate panic attack.  Yep, this is how I spend my Saturday nights...
I guess I should tell you a little bit about how I got here.  I have found myself working three jobs, four if you count being a full-time college student.  Now all three of these jobs were supposed to be part-time.  Take a wild guess at the key word in that phrase.  My bank account doesn't mind that my boss loves me and has maxed-out my time at job #1.  I am so close to the required hours in my bookkeeping certification that I have started to shop for a frame to display my hard-won certificate, so I see it as a good thing that job #2 has been needing a lot of my time lately.  As I sit here typing this blog post, a large mixed breed hound is laying on my feet chewing a bone.  I am spending the weekend with her and her brother, which is a piece of job #3.  By themselves, these are little things; but put them together, along with a whole lot of homework and a Sunday School lesson to write up, and that is where the problem comes in.

I have decided, in this time of crisis, to seek solace in my old friends.  I am off for the night, the Sunday School lesson is done, and the homework can wait:  I am spending the evening enjoying Starbucks, Flaming Hot Cheetos, peanut butter M&Ms, and a Pepsi.

Tonight, both job #1 and  job #3 are practically across the street from a Starbucks, so the first thing I did when I got off #1 was visit the drive thru for a Java Chip Frappuccino.  Just the smell of the brewing coffee was enough to cheer me up. That icy jolt of caffeine brought a smile to my tired face and chased away the headache that was starting to come on.

After walking the hounds of the Baskervilles,  (with the leashes in one hand and the Frappuccino in the other) it was time to sit down to a nice, quiet, relaxing meal of Flaming Hot Cheetos.  This particular bag produced some very dark red chips, which any connoisseur of FHCs would recognize as the best kind.  The M&Ms are a fresh bag, and they are delicious.  I always try to buy the holiday themed ones cause they usually haven't sat on the supermarket shelf for a couple of months.  I was able to get them on sale, which somehow makes them taste even better.  And yes, they are melting in my mouth, but not in my hands.  The Pepsi, ice-cold and just opened, washes this amazing meal down perfectly.  If only you could hear my contented sigh.

I am still behind on homework, and afraid of what I will discover at job#2 on monday; but right now I just don't care.  All these things are my comfort foods, and they are doing their job wonderfully.  The down side is that I will probably never be able to get back into my old jeans, but this is worth it.

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