Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The B word!!!!!

I have skirted the issue long enough; I can no longer escape it.  It is time for a BUDGET.  Yep, the dreadded B-word (what did you think this post was about, you dirty-minded reader).

After the spring semester ended, I found a part-time job at a local department store, which is also why I haven't posted in a month.  The fact that I had worked there before helped me get re-hired quite quickly.  So now I am getting semi-steady paychecks, depending on how many hours I work a week.

I would like to be able to re-build my savings account, so I sat down and wrote out all my financial needs for a whole month.  Then I mapped out a tenative budget, in which everything is getting paid and I have some money left over to put away.  It was a great plan!  Dave Ramsey would be so proud!  Pay half my bills one pay peroid, pay the other half the next pay period.  No stress, no worries, and no late fees; plus, a small weekly allowance for Chic-Fil-A and Starbucks.  Seriously, these two things are a NEED, not a WANT. 

Apparently, all my favorite addictions knew about my plan.  Why else would Breyers mint chocolate chip ice cream suddenly go-buy-one-get-one-free?  Chips Ahoy pulled the same stunt the following week...  And lets not forget finding my precious 119B on sale at Target with a buy three for $5.99 each and get a five dollar gift card (seriously, its like buy-two-get-one-free!).  It is a conspiracy I tell you!

Oh well...Thursday is a new month.  A new chance to start over in my budget.  I plan to stay far away from the frozen food section in the grocery store, and to ignore to big displays of yummy, fudge-filled chewy coockies.